Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

Follow Granddad and Freddy on their adventure

Granddad is fearless, fun loving and outgoing. He enjoys getting down and dirty. Freddy, his grandson, is the complete opposite. He likes the quiet life at home. His life is about to change.

Freddy - Book cover Freddy - Book cover
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Green jobs reusing glass bottles etc.

I am Fred Page, a Guisborough Town Councillor.  I am interested in reducing climate change activity and bringing green jobs to the area.

I note that in March 2019, you were named Britain’s Greenest MP. Your work to tackle climate change and to promote a cleaner future was recognised. In the same month, RCBC declared a climate emergency. 

Lots of green companies are setting up in the area. Can you attract one that will help to reduce climate change, minimise retail price rises and bring more employment to the area? One that will collect and clean single-use glass bottles and jars so they can be reused?

Glass bottles and jars are currently used once, then added to kerbside recycling. To turn glass recycling into new glass products involves transportation, crushing and melting, activities that are harmful to the climate and with rising energy prices, ever more expensive. At a fraction of the cost and with benefits for the environment and local economy glass bottles and jars, such as coffee jars, could be collected, cleaned and reused. 

Please let me know if you are willing to attract a business to the area to employ local people to prepare glass bottles and jars for reuse? 

 I am willing to discuss details and I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Fred Page 

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The story is available in digital format on Kindle as well as paperback.